Applying for Prefectural Housing

Prefectural housing called “Ken-ei Jutaku” in Japanese, is for those people who are in need of a place to live and have limited income.

Effective February 2022, the prefectural housing authority has added eligible statuses of residence for non-Japanese nationals to apply.

Eligible statuses of residence as of February 2022

・Special permanent residents called “Tokubetsu-eiju-sha” in Japanese

・Mid to long-term residents called “Chu-choki-zairyu-sha” in Japanese (They are people who have received their resident card called
“Zairyu Card” from the Immigration Services Agency of Japan.)

Please note that there are other requirements for application in addition to the status of residence.

For more information, please call the Gunma Housing Supply Corporation called “Gunma-ken Jutaku Kyokyu Kosha” at the number below.

Phone:   027-223-5811 (When you hear the recorded message, press 1.
After that, press 1, once again, to talk to the operator in Japanese.)
